Translated Articles

The miracle of road repairs!

The budget of the Ministry of Public Works is approximately one billion dinars, and approximately 15,000 employees work in the ministry, earning 300 million dinars annually, meaning an average of 20,000 thousand dinars annually per employee.For alm ..

09 /May 2024


Scorching summer and the ‘rogue conscience’

All the reassurances of Ministry of Electricity officials that the situation is under control and that there will be no programmed outages next summer, that is, after two months, are incorrect, as the outages began days ago, and Al-Nuzha and Al-Man ..

08 /May 2024


‘Roots of terror group run deep in society’

Some time ago, the authorities arrested 12 teenagers, high school students, and referred them to the judiciary for committing crimes against the state security, after it was discovered that they had joined the terrorist organization ISIS, and incit ..

06 /May 2024


The dangers of multitasking

Ana Borges recently wrote an article in the New York Times that changed some of my old notions about “some being special” in their ability to do multiple tasks at once. In general, a woman is better suited to work as a secretary, compar ..

05 /May 2024


No one has the right answer!

In a question to Al-Haidari, through video call that became very popular for well-known reasons, about the reason for the lack of success of democracy among the Eastern peoples, especially the Arabs, and its success in Western countries, he replied ..

03 /May 2024


Filipino ‘Abagnale’ in Kuwait

The American Frank Abagnale is considered the biggest forger in modern history. He baffl ed the security and federal investigation services in America and several European countries for many years, and dazzled their agencies while he was still a te ..

01 /May 2024


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