Translated Articles

‘Red Indians of the Middle East’

On November 10, 1975, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution that categorized Zionism as a form of racism. Consequently, Israel can be viewed as a racist state, with its establishment seen as an extension of the European colonial i ..

12 /July 2024


Socrates and Finance Minister

The TV interview with the Minister of Finance, Anwar Al-Mudhaf, reminded me of a quote by Socrates (paraphrased) when a person entered, proud of his position and clothes, and Socrates asked him, in order to see him speak, but he replied: There is n ..

09 /July 2024


‘Country’s national flag & the unpatriotic behavior’

I n an act that was met with a lot of disapproval, one of the schools, perhaps a preparatory one, held a graduation ceremony for its students, where they entered the hall, carrying the fl ag of the State of Palestine, and all those present stood up ..

08 /July 2024


Emirates and the Henley report

Last week, the “Henley” report on “Private Wealth Migration” for the year 2024 was issued, and it showed strange things. The movement of the wealth of major billionaires received the attention of observers, and expressed the ..

03 /July 2024


Composite index quantifies level of peacefulness among nations

I n May 2007, Australian businessman Steve Killea initiated the development of a composite index aimed at quantifying the level of peacefulness among countries.This ..

30 /June 2024


Muhammad Musaed and the crimes of citizens

The late colleague Muhammad Musaed AlSaleh, in an old article whose meaning I still remember, expressed his astonishment at the keenness of National Assembly legislators to be strict, sometimes exaggerated, in stipulating very severe punishments fo ..

26 /June 2024


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