Case of many absurd minds

the sudanese novelist tariq ahmad khalid wrote an article under the title ‘the beauty of dogs and the ugliness of some who boast of their origins’. in the book he criticized the behavior of a female gulf citizen at one of the airports in the region who called an indian employee at the airport ‘dog’ just because he mistakenly took her to the business class lounge instead of the fi rst class. she insulted the employee in front of all passengers including indians. tariq said the smiles on the faces of indians said it all who heard the gulf woman insulting the indian. however, tarik did not know how to put it down in words, but he remembered more than a billion people who have succeeded in protecting a democracy that has brought together races and religions and sects. the great success that has amazed the world, and how the indians were able to increase the gross domestic product (gdp) to $5 trillion, equivalent to 5 times of saudi arabia, and 25 times to the homeland of this woman. he also speaks of mahatma gandhi and the great (rabindranath) tagore, (jawaharlal) nehru and indira gandhi who were indians, and among them, who were described as dogs, are the founders of international companies, each of them billionaires. each billionaire is worth twice the value of sudan’s exports of oil, animals and gum. tarik remembered the renowned indians including sathia nadila, general manager of microsoft’s, sundar pichai, chief executive offi cer of google, ajaypal singh banga, president and chief executive offi cer of mastercard, and hundreds of other giants whose roots are found in a country which will become the world’s most powerful nation. we just say the ugly and racist narrative of the verses: ‘we drink pure clear water and others drink it muddy’, or we are above the necks of the people with your swords while in reality we lie at the bottom. “i know the secret behind the smiles that were drawn on the faces of the indians, when they heard that arrogant and ignorant woman describing them as ‘dogs’,” tariq said. i read the article of tariq khalid when i was on my vacation visiting the beautiful indian state of rajasthan. i felt sad at the absurdity of the minds of many of us and their bad attitude of countries which deserve great respect, like india and others.

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