Exponential growth of clergymen

the widespread issue in our societies is the unnatural surge in the number of clergy members across various sectors like government, education, and society at large. historically, until the mid-seventies, their numbers were manageable.
however , with the sudden increase in oil prices and subsequent rise in revenues, particularly in gulf countries, there was an exponential growth in clergy members. this was further exacerbated by regional conflicts, where certain regimes sought clerics to justify expenditures and bolster their image.
clergy members began playing a crucial role, attracting even outsiders to join their ranks. to assert their significance, some offered personalized interpretations of religion, positioning themselves as intermediaries between humanity and the divine, with authority to elevate certain beliefs and condemn others.
in my experience, genuine devotion to faith is rare among clergy, regardless of their wealth. many seem driven by financial gain and social status, engaging in petty rivalries over positions on sharia committees, boards, and charitable associations.
over time, many have portrayed themselves as “scholars,” commanding undue reverence wherever they go, surpassing the acknowledgment received by professionals in fields like physics or biology, or exceptional doctors who have saved countless lives.
reflecting on this, it’s clear that our reliance on clerics for matters beyond ceremonial rituals like marriage is waning. with governmental bodies addressing issues such as divorce and inheritance in islamic countries, and the abundance of religious knowledge available through smartphones, the necessity for clerical guidance is diminishing.
the value of any human being, state, or society lies in the fact that these entities, individually or collectively, have provided great services to humanity and the world, making the lives of “all human beings” longer, their living more comfortable, their happiness more lasting, their health better, and their future more beautiful, through geographical, medical, pharmaceutical discoveries, methods of treatment and air conditioning, providing the maximum conditions for speed and safety in transportation, providing food for billions of mouths, 365 days a year, and so on.
so where does the role of those who insist on calling them scholars lie when they are not scholars?!


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