Seeking help to pave roads!

the minister of public works has faced significant challenges in addressing the road repair issues inherited from previous administrations.
despite her good character and true intentions, the ministry’s depleted resources and lack of oversight have made the task daunting.
a clean, honest, and qualified government technical body to monitor road paving processes is crucial to ensure compliance with international standards.
on the other hand, almost everyone praises your good character and true intentions, and the absence of anything that raises suspicion in your previous work history. there is no doubt that these are important matters in our time. there is also no doubt that you have discovered that solving the road problem is not that easy, and perhaps if you knew the depth of the ministry’s “tragedy.”
we have repeatedly written, and others have done so, that resolving the road situation requires the presence of a clean, honest, and qualified government technical body, possessing the integrity and knowledge to monitor the entire paving process, starting with the validity of the asphalt plant, its method of operation, and the materials used, and their compliance with all specifications, and ending with the paving process, according to international standards.
they were approved, including the correct transfer of materials to the site, ensuring that all necessary technical requirements are compliant while ensuring the interior ministry’s cooperation with the ministry in the paving process!
in short, and as everyone testifies, there is no such team capable of carrying out this task in the ministry, with great respect for the few, and in the absence of this team it is not possible to convince any party that what will be implemented in the coming months will be by international standards. the ministry, my dear lady, is infiltrated and penetrating deeply.
i do not think that you were not surprised that those who were supposed to be your senior assistants, especially on the purely technical side, included graduates of the faculty of sharia. what calamity has afflicted the ministry, and who is this body that approved this appointment, even if it was by assignment and honor?
you, madam, based on my humble experience, have one way to end the disastrous state of the roads, and i am not talking here about the ministry’s disastrous situation, as there is no solution for it soon. you must urgently issue road repair tenders as quickly as possible, and invite local, and even foreign, contracting companies to participate in them. it is necessary.
i repeat, to bring in an external supervisory team to supervise all stages of paving, this requires breaking the routine and departing from the norm, and if necessary, seeking the support and backing of the highest authorities to implement this matter, as the entire ministry staff is “incapable, unqualified, and not competent ” at all.
to do a task that has been proven, thousands of times, to fail! i also suggest placing large signs in front of each road project, showing the name of the implementing company, so that everyone knows who implemented it, and to be evidence of it in the future, for good or ill! the award contracts including new conditions related to performance and maintenance guarantees, so that their duration is slightly longer than the current one, and can be implemented immediately without returning to the contractor, if he is lax in implementing the maintenance clause in the future.
there is no doubt that the matter is not that easy, but as long as there is good intention and strong will, nothing is difficult to implement.


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